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Articles by 2_big4u_tohandle

2_big4u_tohandle 44 M
4  Articles
first date sex   10/6/2006

has anybody slept with the gal after first date on the same night

0 Comments, 267 Views, 0 Votes
2_big4u_tohandle 44 M
4  Articles
advice   10/6/2006

i was thinking that what is the time in a relationship, when u take it to next step that is marriage.

0 Comments, 40 Views, 0 Votes
2_big4u_tohandle 44 M
4  Articles
shaved or hairy   10/6/2006

i was wondering if gals like shaved dick or hairy dick?

0 Comments, 218 Views, 0 Votes
2_big4u_tohandle 44 M
4  Articles
Picking up   10/6/2006

I was just wondering, what is the shortest time when u guyz have picked gal, from anywhere club , station or from anywhere.
mine quickest pick up time is 3hours lol...but i know u guyz out

0 Comments, 95 Views, 0 Votes