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Articles by naturallyaged

naturallyaged 60 M
4  Articles
The innocence of Happiness   3/29/2008

As my journey continued from moments already gone I paused to hear my echoes lighting thoughts not yet born And found myself hearing a nothingness that penetrated the night Like stale love fills a roo

0 Comments, 10 Views, 0 Votes
naturallyaged 60 M
4  Articles
Dreaming   2/6/2008

Wanting a touch that warms a heart Seeking a breath that scents the air Fulfilling a desire that emanates from within This is what the fabric of a dream is made from

Seeing footprints that cr

0 Comments, 23 Views, 0 Votes
naturallyaged 60 M
4  Articles
The Stillness of Love   1/31/2008

When a heart warms to the touch of another a stillness envelopes each person's soul and the sound one hears is magnified throughout the senses causing an arousal that can only be melted by the breath

0 Comments, 17 Views, 0 Votes
naturallyaged 60 M
4  Articles
How to rate friends   1/28/2008


I find through my travels that people misuse the word friend. If you meet someone one day and the next day they ask you if they are your f

0 Comments, 44 Views, 0 Votes
naturallyaged 60 M
4  Articles
I Am   1/28/2008


I am The smile that greets the morning The song that penetrates silence The light that stills the darkness The touch that causes warmth I am The memory that creates ra

0 Comments, 13 Views, 0 Votes