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Clit Piercing question(s). Please Help 9/20/2006 The Mrs. is planning on possibly getting her clit pierced. We were wondering if there are any physical advatages of this or is it more pycholgical. The other question which way is more enjoyable 0 Comments, 67 Views, 0 Votes | |
Jelqing???Pills? 9/17/2006 Has anyone ever tried this before? Any success? Advice? Worth it or not? Are there any pills that actually honest permantly add size and just not make it harder? 0 Comments, 57 Views, 0 Votes | |
Is it possible to fully respect and trust you partners if they cheated on their past partner with U? 9/17/2006 What do you think? And how do you fully trust them if the saying goes "once a cheater, always a cheater? Thanks in advance 0 Comments, 151 Views, 0 Votes |