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The Gallery 7/5/2006 Do you know the Gallery? The only room where you can link pictures to your text. I love it! I think cams do not leave enough to my imagination, but I need a bit more graphics than just text. So I a 0 Comments, 48 Views, 0 Votes | |
The power of pictures 2/16/2006 I have on my own blog 3 entries with the same pic as leader. Well it is not completely the same picture. I enlarged my own dick with software and you probably are not surprized by the outcome: the 0 Comments, 137 Views, 0 Votes | |
sex in marriage ... 1/22/2006 Sex in the beginning of a relationship is more numerous than later. Perhaps you already heard this story, it is not my own: Put in a jar a bean for every time you have sex with your part 0 Comments, 285 Views, 0 Votes |