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Articles by browser500

Good Heavens...   2/25/2019

St. Peter is on duty at the Pearly Gates of Heaven where he meets those who's time on Earth had come to an end and he decides whether or not they enter Heaven or "the other place". A wo

0 Comments, 113 Views, 0 Votes
Mental strength   2/9/2019

One day Fear came waking up the street looking for a home to terrify. Fear saw a home that it thought would do just fine. Fear walked up the walkway and rang the bell. From inside, Faith went to th

0 Comments, 31 Views, 0 Votes
Who's there?   2/9/2019

One day Fear came waking up the street looking for a home to terrify. Fear saw a home that it thought would do just fine. Fear walked up the walkway and rang the bell. From inside, Faith went to th

0 Comments, 21 Views, 0 Votes
Indoors..   2/9/2019

It does not matter what the temperature is, it's always room temperature!

0 Comments, 25 Views, 0 Votes
Question...   2/6/2019

If Con is the opposite of Pro, is Congress the opposite of Progress? <br><br> Get the point?

0 Comments, 30 Views, 0 Votes
Oh what a day!   1/22/2019

Guy wakes up the morning and tries to get ready for work and discovers that there is no hot water. The superintendent tells him the problem will be fixed later that day but there will be no hot water

0 Comments, 128 Views, 0 Votes
Superman, beware!   1/22/2019

Superman was flying high in the sky when spots Wonder Woman down below on a beach, wearing sleeping goggles, lying on her back completely nude with legs spread apart. 'She must be sun bathing'

0 Comments, 113 Views, 0 Votes
Geeves - a popular name for a butler.   1/20/2019

A man is at work in his office and decides to give his wife a call just to say hello. He calls home (let's assume this was pre-cell phone times) and his beloved, loyal and reliable butler, Geeves

0 Comments, 135 Views, 0 Votes