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Articles by Iwannabeused

Iwannabeused 47 M
5  Articles
So ummm   12/3/2017

Is it just me or are women very good at it? lol

0 Comments, 8 Views, 0 Votes
Iwannabeused 47 M
5  Articles
How safe is safe?   11/30/2017

Should all parties involved agree to be armed, shock collars? We all have to think about personal safety!

0 Comments, 41 Views, 0 Votes
Iwannabeused 47 M
5  Articles
co-workers   11/29/2017

So any advice on how to tell if a co-worker is into you, or just being nice? lol

0 Comments, 39 Views, 0 Votes
Iwannabeused 47 M
5  Articles
Golden showers   11/28/2017

Are they that uncommon a thing? Seeming impossible to get

0 Comments, 29 Views, 0 Votes
Iwannabeused 47 M
5  Articles
Vegans   10/8/2016

So i was curious if vegetarians or vegans taste any different? Seems that what you put in your body would make body juices taste different. It's hard to find women that are either, around here.

0 Comments, 14 Views, 0 Votes