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Articles by bigblackdick1175

bigblackdick1175 43 M
3  Articles
Sex and protecting yourself   4/2/2016

I ran into a woman on another site that told me she has had sex with about 5, 000 people and has used a condom about 3 times. She said condoms don't feel good. The entire time i'm thinking in my head

0 Comments, 89 Views, 0 Votes
bigblackdick1175 43 M
3  Articles
Getting physically fit and the effects it has on your sex life.   4/2/2016

I have been a personal trainer for about 8 years now. Prior to that i was Military for 12 years. If you are not physically fit your sex life will suffer dramatically. If you look at most porn flicks..

0 Comments, 81 Views, 0 Votes
bigblackdick1175 43 M
3  Articles
Out of shape black men banging hot white women in porn.   4/2/2016

Why is it that some of the fattest, out of shape black men get some of the best roles in porn? I don't see how hot white women are even attracted to them. If you take a look at the majority of the int

0 Comments, 90 Views, 0 Votes