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Articles by playwhileiwatch

playwhileiwatch 60 C
2  Articles
How does a couple find someone for their first threesome ?   2/27/2008

I am looking for another attractive sexy women to play with my husband and myself. We would do same room sex - my husand can just watch or participate if we all agree. I really want him to join in. I

0 Comments, 133 Views, 0 Votes
playwhileiwatch 60 C
2  Articles
Have you ever wonder what goest thru your parter's mind during sex ?   11/8/2007

Have you ever wonder what goes thru your partner's mind during sex? I have and boy was it an insight. I have always wanted to get together with another women. Before me and husband got together, I cam

0 Comments, 85 Views, 0 Votes