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Articles by liverymen

Male facial hair   9/15/2007

Some girls like male facial hair short and stubly, some like it clean-shaven.... never met any who like a full length professional giant cottonball beard before. What's the deal? I'll prolly never gro

0 Comments, 33 Views, 0 Votes
Shaved or unshaven on guysgenitals   9/15/2007

I prefer trimmed, not bald, not long like a vinyard.... Is there any reason why you prefer your/your partner's genital hair to be a certain way?

0 Comments, 79 Views, 0 Votes
Ear sex?   9/15/2007

Ear fucking exists or is that just a joke from family guy (apparently).... I sure hope not, could potentially be damaging. Ever done it?

0 Comments, 28 Views, 0 Votes
Ear licking is fun?   9/15/2007

Iono, I've had my ear licked and tongues and whatnot shoved in there before and I've gotta say I love it, but it seems a bit uncommon. I also wash my ears everyday just incase, you know? It's more abo

0 Comments, 28 Views, 0 Votes
hahaha pickup lines   9/15/2007

I've seen some of my friends tell people to use pickup lines. But I've always thought they were for losers. Personality should beexpressed in your words, not some line you didn't even come up with on

0 Comments, 44 Views, 0 Votes
Girl don't like younger guys.... do they?   9/15/2007

Just a thought, seeing as all of the people who've come to me and spent some time with me, as friends or in semi-seirous relationships have been younger. Whats the deal with guys needing to be older?

0 Comments, 116 Views, 0 Votes