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nutitan1966 57M
53 posts
7/1/2009 8:10 pm

I was wondering how many people out here had a tough time sharing their partner with someone else for the first time?? My new G/F says she doesn't share well but she would let me explore if that's the only way she can be with me. I still do have some things i want to do and explore.

I wouldn't have a problem with having someone else make love with her as long as i knew it was going on. I think she is only saying i can explore to make me happy I'm not sure though. Any help or advice is welcome. Thanks for listening to my rants.

Love ya all

AKA_Strawberry 65F
58 posts
7/1/2009 8:29 pm

from listening to those that I know who have met someone out here on the site, they usually don't share right away, they solidify the new relationship first, some taking a year to do that, then one they are secure in their relationship, they explore the options of sharing their partner with someone else.

PonyGirl1965 58F  
22090 posts
7/2/2009 12:49 am

If your gut instinct says she is only saying it to make you happy, then I would go with that. If she is the right one for you, focus on making her feel secure and loved. Then with time, she may be able to say she can share and truly mean it.

Also try to help her understand that your exploring is simply that, exploring. It doesn't alter your loving feelings for her. She is an incredible woman that captivates and enchants you.

bombshellforu 64F
10 posts
7/2/2009 3:53 pm

Agree with Strawberry and ponygirl. She needs to feel secure then sharing becomes much easier.

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