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Topics for Date Chat goodbuddy781 |
I avoid talking about my pets or I will end up talking forever!
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Often times our only frame of reference in finding relationships or creating relationships is we have our parents to use as a gauge in finding our mates. Yes many may complain about maturity level and yes a 20 year old guy would be somewhat ideal for a 40 yr old woman because he has the stamina to please her when she is at her peak. Most women are at their peak at 40 and they often want sex more before menopause sets in. Yet, if a woman at 40 to 50 is wanking with a guy at 20 would she be comfortable to think if she had a son at 20 and her boyfriend is 20? The same applies to guys at 40 looking for a 20 yr old girl. Yet, if we are to say age is not a problem but, maturity and financial stability is, think about it how many 20 year olds are cruising around in $50,000 sportscars and live in penthouse suites? Most are in school and work at burger joint barely maintaining a clunker car and living at home with their folks. Today it takes so long for people to make a name for themselves and life is more complicated with so many more choices. Kids today spend more time playing video games and not working on their maturity responsibilities. Yet they want to be respected in the adult world. They need to put away their games and get a job designing those games. Yet, because of the way life seems to be today both young and old the only ones getting laid these days are those in the porn industry. Marriage today has no meaning today. They often fail in 10 years maybe 20 after the kids grow up to make the same mistakes their folks make. People today trade their partners like cars. Even this site is like a used car lot. Instead of used cars its used and abused people young and old alike. We all have a story and we can be attracted to youth because we often got cheated out of our youth being forced into the role as adult children at age 9. We also want to rekindle our youthful years to play like we did when we were 15. Old folks at 50 and 60 are just scared of living and dying alone. So, anyone willing to put up with us old codgers is a treat. We are often set in our ways then and trying to train some young stud or girl to suit our needs is noble because they are young and impressionable. The fine line between training or corrupting needs to be observed first. There are many old folks who never grew up and never amounted to anything. When a 25 yr old just steps out of college has more on the ball than a 50 or 60 yr old who has lived a full life of misery, one has to wonder why a 25 yr old would want to shag a 50 yr old who has nothing on their plate? Where is the attraction? There is no future for both parties. On that note its best to find people in same age group and similar circumstances both parties can live with. When I was 30 I dated women at 50 now the role has shifted. At 60 I may see alot of 30 yr olds and 60 yr old women here. The 60 something women are equally bitter and unrealistic in their needs and wants in a man. They may want a guy there age but, he may not be useful in the sack. So they are looking for money. The 30 year olds are still looking for a partner to bed with because they still have that drive. The menopause hasn't set in so, they have 10 to 15 yr gap of playing the field in settling down with a family. On that note many will criticize differently but, its just an opinion and observation. goodbuddy781
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