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It must be Saturday....  

Eviloutlaw1 62M
5847 posts
1/29/2022 5:48 am

Last Read:
1/30/2022 11:50 pm

It must be Saturday....

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Eviloutlaw1 62M
5180 posts
1/29/2022 5:51 am

As I just got done with my breakfast. Actually Saturday is the only day I eat breakfast, only day I have time too.

I went in to work a half an hour early today. Knowing that I wasn't able to get in there to clean before I left work yesterday I knew the place would be a big mess, it was. The reason I didn't clean the office/laundry room/gym last night was because we had to go out and shovel again, after that I helped the boss unload a pallet of salt that had been delivered and store it away in the barn. That job took two hours and a lot of back breaking lifting of fifty pound bags then shuttling them back and forth. We could have gotten the job done sooner, but the boss had to keep stopping to rest.

Any who I pulled all the walk off matts today and wet mopped under them, moved furniture and gym equipment and it took me from five thirty, till seven this morning to finish. Time flies when your mopping up salt residue I suppose? The sad part, is I know it will look the same way when I go in to work tomorrow morning.

Still talking with that new person that wrote me this past week. Getting to know each other better through the mail here. Likes dislikes, that sort of thing. We're still feeling each other out at this point. I expect if things go good during our "talks" then we'll try to arrange a first meeting out in public someplace, see how that goes. Well you all know the drill ... right? No need my explaining it to you.

Well since it's Saturday I think I go and do my usual thing and veg out in front of the TV. for a bit. Maybe watch the movie I got from Netflix? To cold outside to really do anything else today. Our high is only expected to reach fourteen degrees, the low around nine degrees. I don't even want to think about the wind chill factor.

I'm off to grab my quilt and then hit the recliner now....

Eviloutlaw1 62M
5180 posts
1/29/2022 5:52 am

Have a good one people....

author51 61F
129960 posts
1/29/2022 6:03 am

Don't you guys have a dolly to transfer things at work Hun? Make that type of job so much easier at least with less strain on the body. I am all ears about this new "friend" Hun and hope you get to meet them soon..Have a good one Hun.xoxo

Eviloutlaw1 replies on 1/29/2022 6:22 am:
The Big Box Hardware store that delivered the pallet of salt dropped it off in front of the barn, which like everything else outside now is under a shit load of snow. It was just easier to carry the bags then try and fight with a dolly to get it to roll through all that white stuff. I'll let you know how things go with the "friend" Have a good one sexy! happyf; happym;

LadiesR2B1rst 61M  
2735 posts
1/29/2022 1:41 pm

Enjoy your weekend and all the best with the new friend.

Eviloutlaw1 replies on 1/30/2022 5:54 am:
Thanks R2!

PonyGirl1965 58F  
22090 posts
1/30/2022 12:42 am

It is always so much fun to get the feel for a new friend. Mentally and physically

Eviloutlaw1 replies on 1/30/2022 5:55 am:
Yes it is isn't it Pony? Have a good one sexy lady!

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