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What sexy lingerie to buy? Help me find the perfect one!  

EphemeralFem 44F
28 posts
7/25/2020 3:54 am

Last Read:
1/24/2022 1:48 pm

What sexy lingerie to buy? Help me find the perfect one!

I would love get your input on what sexy lingerie you find the most sexy wear during an evening of pleasure. I will get the most voted and post a surprise in my blog for you.

EphemeralFem 44F

7/25/2020 5:07 am

Thanks for voting Passion... one of my favs too.

goodguytoknownj 63M
556 posts
7/27/2020 6:13 pm

I mean, really, you could wear a burlap sack and make it look great. That said, can we suggest color changes with our votes?

EphemeralFem replies on 7/27/2020 7:52 pm:
Hi Goodguy. Sure. Better yet... how about tou show me and i will add to the options? Voting has been low... may be i am "too conservative"... well, i don't think so men tend to neglect the feminine side. The delicate sensuality that is in some of these pieces. If only men tey to think a little about how women feel , you would possible uncocer our secret

Thanks again for your lovely comment , and send that suggestion (please make it an Amazon item so i can use something that everyone can access/get it)

PantyCurious865 49T
318 posts
7/28/2020 4:36 am

I think you would look great in all but love this one I'd love to wear it myself.

Dluv123 56M  
7 posts
7/28/2020 5:18 am

Number 2, but you would look great in any of them

EphemeralFem 44F

7/28/2020 6:10 am

Thank you. I am flattered. Yes, colors have an effect... black and green goes really well with the tone of my skin. And the angelical white as well (until the moment i drop it and let the devilish on me to come out

Thanks again for stopping by and voting...

Fire_Horse66 48M

7/29/2020 1:22 pm

Number 1 or number 5. Your body is so perfect it doesn't really matter - it's what YOU feel most sexy in that counts!

Have a great day, Martha!

EphemeralFem 44F

7/29/2020 2:32 pm

Hello Fire... so sweet of you to comment. Thanks

goodguytoknownj 63M
556 posts
7/29/2020 3:30 pm

Here is #1 in green...I thought you'd look good in green but of course, you'd feel good in any of your choices which is why you chose them. Its a fun exercise on a number of levels...thanks for putting it out there.

EphemeralFem 44F

7/29/2020 4:26 pm

Thank you Good Guy... love green...added to the list.

6 posts
7/30/2020 3:25 pm

You could come to bed wearing a beer barrel and still look better than 95% of the lingerie models on the net

EphemeralFem replies on 8/2/2020 4:53 pm:
Ah trans... thanks. Have you picked one (or two) yet?

hotfun24365 42M
4 posts
7/30/2020 4:07 pm

I will go for number 5 with black color, I love it
after 5 maybe number 2 always black
then number 3 always black

EphemeralFem replies on 8/2/2020 4:52 pm:
Thanks Hot... 5 is one of the most popular around...

Luv24Q2 47M
809 posts
7/30/2020 4:38 pm

#6 is Sssssmoking! OTOH, I'd love 2 see U in a Sexy Sports bra & Yoga pants,

EphemeralFem replies on 8/2/2020 4:52 pm:
#6 is one of my favs Luv.

EphemeralFem 44F

7/30/2020 5:05 pm

You guys rock! Thanks for voting...

PS: while i appreciiate the kind and generous offers, I am not soliciting anyone to get me anything... just let me know which ones you like the most. that is all.

Thanks again,

Sergo222222 52M
1 post
7/30/2020 7:55 pm

    Quoting EphemeralFem:
    Thanks for voting Passion... one of my favs too.

EphemeralFem replies on 8/2/2020 4:51 pm:
Thanks sergo... good taste!

a57woody 67M
92 posts
7/31/2020 12:54 pm

Hi Martha, I voted for all of your lingerie. Another option is Wicked . Your beautiful body would look amazing wrapped in leather. Check out r-v 3162bk-32. . Safe will win!!! Woody

EphemeralFem replies on 8/2/2020 4:50 pm:
Thanks woody. Will do!

nwindcouple 54M

7/31/2020 3:06 pm

This is a tough question and not as easy to answer. All the options look great. However, there is something missing....the presentation. How are you going to wear them and for what occasion? There are multiple scenarios that could and would dictate the outfit. Green is a interesting color choice. Not seen very often but i can tell that skin tone would be highlighted with a green color lingerie. White, Red, and Black can get a little plain or boring due to those colors are so regular or common. A Teddy or Bodysuit (Catsuit) are cool due to the alluring factor as well as being worn under clothes.

EphemeralFem replies on 8/2/2020 4:49 pm:
Thanks nwind... note taken

BlastphemyNYC 44M
2 posts
8/2/2020 7:17 am

Hot Hot Hot

EphemeralFem replies on 8/2/2020 8:05 am:
Thank you Blast... i love it.!

proteus_2a 58M
7979 posts
8/4/2020 10:39 am

I believe your figure would go well with the sinister look of #6

Cheers - P

EphemeralFem replies on 8/4/2020 11:07 am:
Awww...thanks Mr. P...

MrJmsB02051493 31M/31F

8/11/2020 4:12 pm

Hi EphemeralFem,

We definitely believe number 1 is the best. You can never go wrong with a sexy red 2 piece like that. We think you'd look absolutely stunning.

All the best,
MrJ and MsB

EphemeralFem 44F

8/15/2020 6:09 pm

MsB would look great on them as well thanks for voting.

lapdog6996 67M
2 posts
8/16/2020 7:11 pm

EphemeralFem I am a serious licker and think #3 minus the thong would be really exciting and sexy.

HlthyHppyCpl 54M/49F

9/3/2020 4:06 am

omg #1 all day! i'm gona get for my wife.

DiscreetDayMelb 42M

1/9/2021 3:16 pm

Hi EphemeralFem, I think I’d love to see a fashion show with all of them. That would definitely help decide. But seriously, you’d be stunning in wearing anything.

Fun_ktional 56M
32 posts
7/21/2021 12:42 pm

Martha, #6 is my choice, although youd look great in them all 6 brings out your figure all the more

Hammad_ 23M

1/17/2022 5:06 pm

First of all, you are more interactive than anyone other girl on here haha, I appreciate your effort. Secondly, I’d definitely love to see you in number 6 with wine red, one of my favorite go to colors. I think it would love stunning on your skin and fit perfectly on your body! <3

P.S. I actually did process of elimination, couldn’t decide between number 2 and 6 haha

Smadger 56M  
59 posts
1/30/2022 11:54 am

Tan nylons with a garter belt and a tan teddy...would highlight your fabulous skin toe

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