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80sbaby71 52F
7352 posts
3/19/2009 6:07 pm

Why do people think they are helping you by saying something cruel?

I have been working on my self image for the last year. In this last year I have lost around 50+ lbs. I am a stress eater. Yet I have held myself in check even though quite a bit of upheaval in the last 6+ months.

I already am working on my self esteem with the help of my friends. And yet I have a guy tell me "You know you would be alot happier if you lost some weight." HELLO! EXCUSE ME?

I am getting tired of being put down, walked on and just treated like a total piece of meat. I am trying to decide how I am going to work on my future. I had wanted to find me a nice guy but that does not look like it will happen in my lifetime!

I am thinking it might be for the best to just sit back and forget about having a love life. I mean hell if the nuns & priests can do it surely I can......right?

ridgeman19 56M

3/20/2009 9:04 am

not all of us are selfish and judgemental. You are a very pretty woman if they dont like you well fuck em their opinion dont count anyway. Just keep your head held high if they a quick to judge you it is only because they are insecure little boys who have to hurt someones feelings to make themselves feel better.

PonyGirl1965 58F  
22090 posts
3/26/2009 12:39 am

People who judge will die horrible, tragic deaths, alone. It's what all mean, judgemental people deserve.

Baby you are doing a great job. Look at how far you have come. And I know you are not done yet! Don't be in too much of a hurry to find a guy. You still have a road to travel so collect friends and lean on them. The BF will come when the time is right. Think about it, do women ever get what we want, when we want it? We waited for boobs, prom invitations, babies, etc. This is another waiting game. In the meantime, relax, enjoy your friends and meeting new men. The more men you meet, the more you will be able to say what you do or don't want in a man.

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