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80sbaby71 52F
7352 posts
5/24/2009 10:51 pm

Have you ever made a wish upon a star? Do you believe that your wish will come true?

As a small girl I used to believe in wishing on the first star, wishing while blowing out those birthday candles. In the last several years I have come to realize that those are childish thoughts. Or are they?

Someone told me recently that you can pray to God to send you the "perfect" person for your life. And perhaps God does send you the "perfect" person. But is it the right person for the rest of your life or is it just the right person for right now?

I think I will start making those wishes on the stars. And hey what would be the problem with putting candles on everything I eat? Yeppers I think I will believe that all my wishes can come through.

NotSoDarkKnight 56M

5/27/2009 9:05 am

Dad always said to wish in one hand and crap in the other and see which one gets full faster. But, what can wishing hurt?

Just Another Geek on

PonyGirl1965 58F  
22090 posts
5/31/2009 2:17 pm

Wishing and praying are all good. Though you have to be careful what you wish for Then we have to remember to wrap up our old details so we are ready for the new person. I do lots of wishing myself. And I suck at clean up, hehehe.

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